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Baby Sensory Fulham
About Baby Sensory Fulham
Baby Sensory is the first and original baby programme specifically designed to stimulate, educate and provide precious moments during the all-important first year of life.
We have 40 years' worth of research to aid the miraculous advances that occur in your baby's brain, which doubles in volume by the end of their first year as a direct result of sensory learning right from birth.
The award-winning Baby Sensory classes are currently being held in the Fulham and Hammersmith area, with classes running on Wednesdays at St John's Church Fulham and on Thursdays at Holy Trinity Parish Centre, Brook Green.
We look forward to welcoming you and your precious one to the magical world of Baby Sensory!
0-12m, 1 Years
Sensory Play
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We want you to enjoy every second of your baby's miraculous development.
What makes Baby Sensory unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards.
And behind every Baby Sensory session, there's an incredibly detailed lesson plan backing up everything your baby touches, sees, hears, smells and feels
Baby Sensory provides ideas for creative play, massage, tummy time, movement, visual development, textures, scents and music in simple practical ways that can be easily repeated at home.
We also use a combination of original and traditional songs and rhymes to develop early speech and language skills, and sensory signing activities to help you and your baby communicate from birth.
We want you to enjoy every second of your baby's miraculous development.
That's why everything we do has a purpose.
⭐We’ve arranged the sensory area to match the distance at which your baby sees objects clearly.
⭐We've measured the decibel level of our instruments to make sure they are not too loud.
⭐We soothe your baby at the end of every session by mimicking the sounds of the womb.
⭐We welcome you to feed or cuddle your baby during the session.
The most miraculous advances in your baby's brain structure occur in the first 3 months of life.
During this period, an astonishing 2 million new brain cell connections are created every second.
By the end of the first year, your baby's brain will have doubled in volume as a direct result of sensory learning from birth!
We’re incredibly lucky to have exceptional Class Leaders. Many were originally parents who attended Baby Sensory with their own babies.
Their total belief and commitment are reasons why we've been able to grow this original concept and help babies reach their full potential.
Find out who runs classes near you and start your journey with Baby Sensory.
You'll always remember the moment your baby produces their very first 'Say Hello to the Sun' sign - our unique signature song played at the start of every session.
We want you to enjoy every second of your baby's miraculous development.
That's why everything we do has a purpose.
⭐We’ve arranged the sensory area to match the distance at which your baby sees objects clearly.
⭐We've measured the decibel level of our instruments to make sure they are not too loud.
⭐We soothe your baby at the end of every session by mimicking the sounds of the womb.
⭐We welcome you to feed or cuddle your baby during the session.
The most miraculous advances in your baby's brain structure occur in the first 3 months of life.
During this period, an astonishing 2 million new brain cell connections are created every second.
By the end of the first year, your baby's brain will have doubled in volume as a direct result of sensory learning from birth!
We’re incredibly lucky to have exceptional Class Leaders. Many were originally parents who attended Baby Sensory with their own babies.
Their total belief and commitment are reasons why we've been able to grow this original concept and help babies reach their full potential.
Find out who runs classes near you and start your journey with Baby Sensory.
You'll always remember the moment your baby produces their very first 'Say Hello to the Sun' sign - our unique signature song played at the start of every session.
We want you to enjoy every second of your baby's miraculous development.
What makes Baby Sensory unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards.
And behind every Baby Sensory session, there's an incredibly detailed lesson plan backing up everything your baby touches, sees, hears, smells and feels
Baby Sensory provides ideas for creative play, massage, tummy time, movement, visual development, textures, scents and music in simple practical ways that can be easily repeated at home.
We also use a combination of original and traditional songs and rhymes to develop early speech and language skills, and sensory signing activities to help you and your baby communicate from birth.
Observations that can provide a remarkable insight into the needs, abilities and sensitivities of your new baby.
"Understanding your new baby's unique characteristics, abilities and sensitivities can make a difference that lasts a lifetime!" Dr Lin Day
Specifically designed for babies from birth to 3 months, Dr Lin, one of the UK's leading parenting experts, has developed Baby Sensory to include 3 Hello Baby Programmes; Hello Baby Observation, Hello Baby Crying, Colic and Comfort Workshops and Hello Baby Massage to help support parents through the early weeks and months of their baby's life.
"Your baby communicates with you from the moment they enter the world. We look at how your baby responds to the world, what they can do, what they find difficult or stressful, and how you can help them grow and develop in the first 3 months of life."
Dr Lin Day.
An extraordinary opportunity for parents, our Hello Baby programmes help you to:
⭐Observe how your baby responds to the world and communicates with you by interpreting behavioural cues.
⭐ Identify your baby's abilities, sensitivities and needs.
⭐ Recognise how your baby self-soothes to reduce stress.
⭐ Explore the main causes of colic and how to manage or reduce symptoms.
⭐ Recognise the five main cries of your baby.
⭐ Investigate comfort techniques that can effectively reduce crying.
⭐ Develop loving touch techniques through baby massage, reflexology, yoga, sensory integration and containment.
The benefits enable you to:
⭐ Understand what your baby is saying so you can adapt care-giving responses to meet their needs.
⭐ Support your parent-baby bond through sensory integration techniques and positive touch experiences.
⭐ Learn new techniques that can help calm and relax your baby and promote sleep.
⭐Be part of a social experience where you can make friends with parents going through the same worries, challenges and celebrations as you are.
⭐ Ask questions from the experts giving you boosted confidence in your abilities.
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