Football classes in Hornchurch  for 2-3 year olds. SoccerDays Yellow Class, SoccerDays, Loopla

SoccerDays was launched in 2015 with the aim to create fun football classes which enhance children’s confidence and life skills. The Director’s of SoccerDays have over 30 years experience of teaching sport to young children, with the knowledge gained over the years the company have designed a unique training programme to teach football skills combined with games for aiding physical development, social and communication skills. Our attitude to go the extra mile and exceed expectations is why our football classes have grown to become so popular with parents and children. We structure our training programme to be fun and exciting, the games and staff encourage children to build confidence and self esteem at every available opportunity!

SoccerDays Yellow Class in Hornchurch

5.0 (47)
from £9.00 per session
The Campion School, 486 Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 3BX
The Campion School
The Campion School
486 Wingletye Lane
RM11 3BX

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10:05 - 10:50 Sun 17th Dec
from £9.00 per session
Category Football
Ages Covered 2-3 Years
Booking required Yes

About SoccerDays Yellow Class

In the Yellow Class, children develop a foundation of social skills, and exercise using various body movements, while getting used to the ball and learning how to kick with confidence.

Essential football skills will begin to take shape: dribbling, changing direction, stopping the ball. See your child grow in confidence and being part of a team.

The SoccerDays Yellow Class is for 2-3.5 year olds.
The Campion School, Essex
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